This is the root of all groups, please do not change this and do not add members here.
OceanExpert also has the sub-groups : UNESCO , IOC , IOC Capacity Development , IOC GE-CD , GE-CD-2024 , GE-CD-WG-RevCDStrategy , GE-CD-TT_CDstrategy , IOC CD national focal point , GE-CD-TT-TMT , GE-CD-TT-MSREQ , IODE , Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS) contributors , SG-Ocean Best Practices System , OBPS Advisory Board , OBPS Ocean Practices Ambassadors , OBPS Task Team 21-03: Omics/eDNA Protocol Management , eDNA Expeditions , eDNA Expeditions Scientific Advisory Board , IWG IODE structure and working methods , IWG-contribution to the decade , OIH - ODIS , OIH-PSIDs , OIH-LAC , OIH-Africa , OIH- Technical WG , SG-Ocean Infohub , PacMAN , SG-PacMAN , PacMAN-SAB , IODE SG-AquaDocs , WG-IODEwebsite , IWG-SODIS , IODE SG-OceanExpert , IODE SG-ODIS , IWG-ODIS , TT-IWG-ODIS , IWG-ODIS-TOR , IWG-strategicplan , IWG-healthstatus , PO-test , subgroup test , IODE Management Group , IODE GE-MIM transitional , IODE staff , IODE Staff - Ostend Project Office - IT , ICAN , IODE SG-ICAN , ICAN admin , IODE WebAcc , IODE network contact people , IODE National Coordinator for Oceanographic Data Management , NODC contacts , AIU Contact Points , IODE National Coordinators for Marine Information Management , ADU Contact Points , OceanTeacher , IODE SG-OTGA , OTGA RTCs Staff , SG-OceanKnowledge (OKn) , OceanKnowledge (OKn) Technical Sub-committee , IWG-IODE_Structure , IWG-IODE Communication Strategy , MCDS ad hoc review team , SG-IQUOD , IODE/IAMSLIC GEMIM (closed June 2017) , IOC DIM advisory group , IODE SG-GOSUD , IODE SG-OceanDocs , IODE SG-GTSPP , OBIS , OBIS Node Coordination Group , OBIS ISA , OBIS-GBIF Norway , OBIS Ecuador , OBIS Korea , OTN-OBIS , OBIS Brazil , OBIS Secretariat , Oceans Past Initiative , OBIS Kenya , OBIS-SEAMAP , OBIS Malaysia , OBIS UK , PEGO OBIS , OBIS CPPS , OBIS Colombia , ESP OBIS , OBIS Indonesia , MedOBIS , Fish OBIS , OBIS USA , Antarctic OBIS , AfrOBIS , Caribbean OBIS , OBIS China , SEA OBIS , OBIS Argentina , HAB OBIS , IndOBIS , Arctic OBIS , OBIS Deep Sea , OBIS Black Sea , OBIS Japan , OBIS Canada , SWP OBIS , OBIS Australia , EurOBIS , OBIS Data Coordination Group , OBIS IWG-SG Membership , OBIS Vocabulary Infrastructure project team , IODE Steering Group for OBIS (SG-OBIS) , OBIS Executive Committee , OBIS Product Coordination Group , ODP , IODE SG-ODP , ODP Data Providers (data set contacts) , ODP Data Providers (node managers) , IODE SG-QMF , IODE SG-ODSBP , IWG-IOC_strategicplan , IODE/JCOMM ETDMP Members , IODE/JCOMM ETDMP Task Team for Ocean Data Standards , IODE SG-XML , IODE SG-MEDI , Organizations , IODE Officers , IOC OES , MPR , IOC Regions , IOCAfrica , IOCINDIO , Ocean Data and information Management , IOCARIBE , TAC Task Force , HAB-ANCA , Capacity Development , Sargassum , IOCARIBE Board Officers , IOCARIBE GOOS , WESTPAC , IOC-Perth-Office , IOC AO Unit , OOS , GOOS , GOOS Steering Committee , GOOS UN Ocean Decade programmes , Ocean Observing Co-Design , Programme Co-chairs , Programme Support , Observing Together , Programme Co-chairs , Programme Support , Integrated Marine Debris Observing System (IMDOS) , Integrated Marine Debris Observing System Interim Steering Committee , GOOS Office , GOOS Office HQ Paris , GOOS Management Team , OceanOPS , I-GOOS (dissolved 2011) , GOOS Regional Alliances , Black Sea GOOS , GRA Mailing List , Chairs of GRAs , GOOS for Africa , Indian ocean GOOS , MON GOOS , USA IOOS , WAGOOS , NEARGOOS , SOOS , EuroGOOS , OCEATLAN , GRASP , PI-GOOS , SEA-GOOS , GOOS National Focal Points , GLOSS , GOOS Panels , GOOS Biology Ecosystems Panel , OOPC Panel , EU-projects , GOOS Biogeochemistry Panel (IOCCP) , past GOOS panel members , GSSC (dissolved 2011) , PICO (dissolved 2011) , GOOS OE-Paperclip editors , non secretariat editors , Expert Team on Operational Ocean Forecast Systems (ETOOFS) , JCOMM , Observations Programme Area (OPA) , Observations Coordination Group (OCG) Executive Committee , Sea Level Observation Team , GLOSS Group of Experts , Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP) , Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) , DBCP Executive Board (DBCP-EB) , DBCP Task Team on Environmental Stewardship (TT-ES) , DBCP Task Team on Capacity Building (TT-CB) , DBCP Task Team on Moored Buoys (TT-MB) , DBCP Task Team on Data Management (TT-DM) , DBCP Task Team on Data Buoy Best Practices and Technology Development (TT-DBPD) , DBCP Task Team on Wave Measurement (TT-WM) , Pilot Project on High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (PP-HRSST) , DBCP Working Group on data buoy Vandalism , DBCP National Focal Points for buoy programmes (DBCP-NFP) , DBCP Action Groups , International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) , WCRP-SCAR International Programme for Antarctic Buoys (IPAB) , DBCP-PICES North Pacific Data Buoy Advisory Panel (NPDBAP) , Surface Marine programme of the Network of European Meteorological Services, EUMETNET (E-SURFMAR) , International Buoy Programme for the Indian Ocean (IBPIO) , International south Atlantic Buoy Programme (ISABP) , International Tsunameter Partnership (ITP) , Tropical Moored Buoy Implementation Panel (TIP) , Global Drifter Programme (GDP) , OCEAN Sustained Interdisciplinary Timeseries Environment observation System (OceanSITES) , OceanSITES Steering Team , OceanSITES Data Management Team , OceanSITES Executive Committee , OceanSITES Data Management Co-Chair , National Focal Points for logistical facilities , Ship Observations Team (SOT) , Ship Observations Team Executive Board , Ad-hoc Task Team on Unique Observation ID Scheme (Ad-hoc-TT-UID VOS Obs) , Task Team on Recruitment, Promotion and Training (TT-RPT) , VOS Panel (VOSP) , Task Team on SOOP Metadata (TT-SOOP Metadata) , SOOP Implementation Panel (SOOPIP) , ASAP National Focal Points (ASAP-NFPs) , Task Team on High-Resolution Marine Meteorology (TT-HRMM) , Task Team on Instrument Standards and Satellite Communications Systems (TT-ISSC) , Task Team on VOS Metadata (TT-VOS Metadata) , Ad-hoc Task Team on Key Performance Indicators (Ad-hoc-TT-KPI) , Task Team on Call Sign masking and encoding (TT-Masking) , Port Meteorological Officers - useful contacts (PMOs) , Task Team on ASAP (TT-ASAP) , SOT National Focal Points (SOT-NFPs) , IOC JCOMM National Focal Points , Management Committee (MAN) , Data Management Programme Area (DMPA) , The JCOMM Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG) , Inter-Programme Expert Team on Integrated Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services within WMO and IOC Information Systems (IPET-MOIS) , The Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC) , The Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP) , Coordinator on Table Driven Codes , JCOMM Members (WMO Publication No.5) , Ad hoc Task Team on Marine Competency Requirements (TT-MCR) , Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Area (SFSPA) , Services and Forecasting Systems Coordination Group (SCG) , Coordinator on satellite data requirements , Group of Expert: North Indian Ocean Storm Surge modelling , List of Experts on Storm Surges , List of Experts on Wind Waves , Ad hoc Task Team on JCOMM Coordination for Marine Environmental Emergency Responses , JCOMM-4 , JCOMM-4 delegates , JCOMM-4 attendees , Joint CAgM-JCOMM Task Team on Weather, Climate and Fisheries , JCOMM Joint Secretariat , JCOMM Observations Programme Support centre , JTA Executive Committee , Cross-cutting Task Team for Integrated Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services within WIS (TT-MOWIS) , Joint CCl/CLIVAR/JCOMM Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) , SATCOM , SATCOM Executive Committee , GLOSS National Contact Point , Marine Management , Integrated Coastal Research , ABE-LOS , Ocean Sciences , HAB , HAB-admins , OSS , ICAM/MSP , Tsunami , ITIC , CTIC , ICG/CARIBE EWS , ICGCARIBE EWS Officers (CEWS-O) , WG1-Risk Knowledge (WG1-RN) , WG2-Tsunami Detection Analysis and Forecasting (CEWS-WG2-TDAF) , WG3-Tsunami Warning Dissemination and Communication (CEWS-WG3-TWDC) , WG4-Preparedness and Response Capabilities (CEWS-WG4-PRC) , WG4-Preparedness and Response Capabilities-Preparedness and Response capabilities(CEWS-WG4-PRC-PRC) , WG4-Preparedness and Response Capabilities-Mitigation (CEWS-WG4-PRC-M) , WG4-Preparedness and Response Capabilities-Tsunami Ready (CEWS-WG4-PRC-TR) , TT-CARIBE WAVE (CEWS-TT-CW) , ICGPTWS , ICGPTWS-Officers (PTWS-O) , ICGPTWS-Steering Committee (PTWS-SC) , WG1-Understanding Tsunami Risk (PTWS-WG1-UTR) , WG2-Tsunami Detection Warning and Dissemination (PTWS-WG2-TDWD) , WG2-TT-Tsunami Service Providers (PTWS-WG2-TT-TSP) , WG2-TT-Integrated PTWS Sensor Networks for Tsunami Detection and Characterisation (PTWS-WG2-TT-ISN) , WG2-TT-Tsunami Forecasting from Ocean Observations (PTWS-WG2-TT-TFOO) , WG2-TT-Tsunami Generated by Volcanoes (PTWS-WG2-TT-TGV) , WG3-Disaster Risk Management and Preparedness (PTWS-WG3-DRMP) , WG3-TT-Tsunami Ready (PTWS-WG3-TT-TR) , Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System on the Central American Pacific Coast (PTWS-RWG-CAPC) , Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in the Southeast Pacific Region (PTWS-RWG-SEP) , Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in the South China Sea Region (PTWS-WG-SCS) , Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in the South China Sea Region-TT-Capacity Development and Services (PTWS-WG-SCS-TT-CDS) , Pacific Island Countries and Territories Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation (PTWS-WG-PICT) , Pacific Island Countries and Territories Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation-TT-Capacity Development (PTWS-WG-TT-CD) , Pacific Island Countries and Territories Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation-TT-Information Sharing Platforms (PTWS-WG-PICT-TT-ISP) , Task Team on PacWave Exercices (PTWS-TT-PWE) , Pacific Island Countries and Territories Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation-TT-Seismic Data Sharing in the Southwest Pacific (PTWS-WG-PICT-SDSSWP) , ICG/NEAMTWS , ICG/NEAMTWS Steering Committee , Working Group 3 , ICG/NEAMTWS Invited Observers , Sessional Working Group on a Multi-Hazard Approach , Task Team on the Communication Test and Tsunami Exercises , COPY Permanent Delegations , Working Group 4 , Working Group 2 , Working Group 1 , ICG/NEAMTWS COPY Permanent Delegations , Other ICG/ NEAMTWS Contacts , NEAMTWS GLOSS , Task Team on the Regional Tsunami Warning System Architecture , tsunami test , NEAMTWS Secretariat , NEAMTWS Task Team , Member States , NEAMTWS CTE2 , NEAM potential RTWCs , ICG/IOTWMS , Trainers , Tsunami Hazard Assessment and Modeling Training , Standard Operating Procedures Training , IOC Tsunami website administrators , ICG Participants , IOC Officers , IOC Secretariat , IOC admins , Legacy groups , IODE GEBICH members , IODE GEMIM Members , OBIS-ENV-DATA consortium , SG-OBIS-ENV-DATA , SG-OBIS-EVENT-DATA , Ad-hoc OBIS Name Change working group , non-UNESCO , MARCO-BOLO , MARCO-BOLO COP , MARCO-BOLO CORE COP , OBON , OBON Group Admins , BioEcoOcean .
Name | Group Role | Country (worklocation) | FirstName | |
Name | Group Role | Country (worklocation) | FirstName |